Wildix vs. 3CX: Once More Into the Breach

Wildix vs 3CX comparison
One of the biggest strengths we talk about with Wildix is its open design and room for customization. As we like to say, you can build just about anything using our ecosystem, and the incredible use cases that Wildix partners show off prove it. But crucially, this flexibility is supported by the system being secure by design; each component of the Wildix system has built into its foundation secure principles and practices that provide automatic protection.

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Women in Tech: Claire Baker, Chalvington Group

We’re talking today with Claire Baker, managing director of the Chalvington Group. The company had its origins in the company her father, Melvyn Baker, set up in the ‘80s, and he’d go on to create a telecommunications arm called Chalvington Communications to better serve a wider range of customers with the emerging technology of the early 2000s. Claire joined her father after she completed her BA in Business Studies at the University of North London, and after the various companies merged in 2012, she became the managing director. The company currently has 1,500 clients in the UK, generating £3.8 million in turnover as of 2020 and is a key partner with Wildix in the UK.

You’ve been immersed in the world of communications tech for well over 20 years. What are the key changes you’ve seen since the 2000s?

Claire: The most notable changes are in connectivity and cloud-based solutions. ISDN2/analogue technologies became extremely stale, and the industry was in need of some va-va voom. I feel the investment that has been made in connectivity infrastructure has given telecoms a new lease of life. Don’t get me wrong — VoIP has obviously been available for years but only in areas where you can ensure decent connectivity, which were, until quite recently, few and far between

The explosive growth of the internet created new opportunities, but they also involved new risks, particularly as companies struggled to predict which emerging technologies would thrive and which would fall by the wayside. How did you mitigate those risks, and what long-term strategies do you use to ensure your services are likely to remain relevant?

I’m lucky to have a really good team of IT and telecoms engineers around me who live and breathe new tech. Like any other business, we made some poor choices early on and learnt from those mistakes. Our process is to select a number of manufacturers, put the equipment or software through its paces, create a top three based on what we know would be important to our customers and then these are presented to the relevant managers and directors to make the ultimate decision. This formula has been tried and tested over the years.

There’s been a big push within tech, in general, to include more women in more senior positions. What challenges does the industry have regarding that, and how could they be solved?

Men sometimes believe women aren’t technical. Naturally, there are technical situations that I wouldn’t be familiar with at a grassroots level, but that’s why I have a trusted team around me, some of whom have worked with my father for the best part of 20 years. However, I have always been a firm believer that you don’t necessarily need to know how to do the job to be a good leader — but you need to be able to get work done through others.

Everyone comes into a new business with expectations, and some turn out to be accurate and some less so. What expectations did you have when you became a managing director, and how accurate were those expectations? 

What I can say is to be successful, a managing director should be able to manage and advance a business’s strategic objectives and be the face of the business. However, within a small to medium-sized enterprise this, in real life, is far from what takes up most of my time. I find I wear multiple hats, which isn’t necessarily what someone would maybe expect from an MD.

My main focus is on the oversight of the company’s high-level operational and customer-facing problems. We only thrive if we’re competent and able to keep our customers through the service we provide. Processing efficiency and reviewing our operating systems is another, together with the training and development of my senior management team to deliver the company’s values.


Women in Tech: Interview with Arianna Caiaffa, Sales & Partner Support for G&B Connect

Arianna Caiaffa, Sales & Partner Support for G&B Connect, has been a Wildix Partner since 2010.

For Arianna, entering the technology industry was not her initial career path. After working in a design studio in the center of Milan, she received a call from G&B Connect and decided to accept a job in Sales & Partner Support. 20 years have passed since that day.

“I have never regretted taking this job,” she explained. “It has allowed me to grow as a person, and it’s a job that has evolved over time. The thing I like most about my job is that it is varied: it is not repetitive and allows me to constantly challenge myself.”

Arianna also told us, “Every day I communicate with a lot of different people, dealing with different aspects of my job: for example, pre and post-sales. In addition, I often show the solution to customers in a demo, or manage CLASSOUND and the sales cycle in all its aspects.”

When I asked what character trait helped her the most in this sector, she firmly replied that she places great importance on the daily approach with the client.

“I don’t often have the opportunity to meet clients personally, and instead I only hear from them on the phone or see them over a videoconference. The difference, in these cases, is to make a call instead of sending an email when there are uncomfortable situations to resolve.

Calling the customer quickly, with an approach geared toward listening and understanding, often makes the difference in handling any request or issue. Clients perceive me as a caring person who is attentive to their requests. This is a trait that is always recognized and appreciated.”

In April 2021, Arianna will celebrate her 20th year working at G&B Connect — quite an accomplishment. Even so, she revealed to us that, for her, being a woman in an industry historically associated with men has never been a problem. According to Arianna, what makes the difference is the people she works with and the way she relates to them. She also related that she has never had any particular problems with her colleagues of the opposite sex. Between them, there is a relationship of absolute trust and cooperation.

Arianna is not the only woman at G&B Connect. In total, the female team is composed of four women — the most recently hired of them, Arbiola Basha, is a graduate in computer science who has also independently handled the redesign of the company website.

We ended the interview with Arianna with one last question, dedicated to all women starting in the tech world today.

“Arianna, what advice would you give to a woman starting her work in a Tech company today?”

She answered:

“To never stop learning. Read, be informed and ask for information whenever there is a situation you don’t fully understand. Be considerate of clients and be careful about how you communicate with them on a daily basis. Choose the communication tool they prefer and always put yourself in an active listening position. This can really make a difference in a lot of situations!”