What is Telephony, and Which Type Is Most Effective?

Better understand modern approaches to voice communications At its simplest, telephony just means the technology we use to talk to one another at a distance. In reality, of course, we all know the definition is much murkier. These days, examining phone systems means putting multiple versions of technology up against each other. It may make …

What Is VoIP? Why This New Tool May Transform Businesses

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is all but essential for modern business communications. Still, many professionals likely wonder “what is VoIP?” — whether they mean what VoIP stands for or what older technologies it replaces. To address these questions and more, let’s take a deep dive into info on VoIP phone systems. We’ll also help …


Recently released in 2017, Microsoft Teams is storming the market space, currently with 13 million weekly users, and now one of the biggest workplace chat apps, surpassing Slack and Google Hangouts. Increased growth of Teams is causing uncertainty to some Vendors who recognise Teams as direct competition to their business interests, thus revenues. We decided …