VoIP Is Commoditized — Or Is It?

VoIP Is Commoditized — Or Is It? Wildix Blog
Commoditization is where products become stripped away of their branding and the core features become the same. VoIP has become heavily commoditized, with virtually everyone offering the same core services. Yet there are areas of differentiation when you look closely. So let’s take a look at the root of the problem, the proliferation of countless solutions and the solution.

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Moving Away From Your Values: Have Big Vendors Spread Themselves Too Wide?

Moving Away From Your Values: Have Big Vendors Spread Themselves Too Wide?

Times are hard in the unified communications (UC) and wider tech world right now. Unprecedented growth during the pandemic led many companies to expand and accrue debt, with the assumption that post-pandemic revenue would continue to increase. But as businesses reduce their tech stack in favor of one unified platform, stick with their current provider or — more shockingly — return to their on-premise PBX, many of the biggest UC vendors are struggling to hit their targets and pay off their creditors.

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