Spring Cleaning Your Data: Let’s Get Your Office Organized

Spring is in the air. Flowers are blooming. The days are a little bit longer and brighter. And for some of us, that means we have the yearly impulse to deep clean our homes and offices.

But just like our closets and attics benefit from a good sort-out, so can our digital storage. Far from a simple nice-to-do, cleaning your data can help keep you compliant, safe and organized — especially if you take the time to set up a system that works all year round.

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Stopping Spoofed Calls With STIR/SHAKEN

Stopping Spoofed Calls With STIR/SHAKEN

Outside of paper cuts or mosquitoes, few subjects have earned as much universal scorn as robocalls — especially ones with fake caller IDs. These days, it’s often enough of an interruption simply to get a phone call. But to pick up a local or official number, only to hear yet another monotone text-to-speech scammer? That’s enough to peeve most anyone.

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How to Secure Collaboration Tools at Your Business

secure collaboration tools picture

Security in business today more and more means securing the collaboration tool used at your organization. Now that we’re into the internet age, it’s just standard to conduct official communications over the web. That’s opened up the door to a lot more flexibility in terms of how we communicate, of course, including a range of possibilities for remote and hybrid work environments.

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