10 Strong Indicators You Need to Change Your Hardware PBX

10 Strong Indicators You Need to Change Your Hardware PBX
Your PBX is an essential part of your phone system, distributing calls throughout the office. If you haven’t changed your system in the past 10 years (that’s 2014 or earlier!), you likely have a hardware PBX, one that sits in your office. While they were effective for most purposes at the time, there are much more modern alternatives, including cloud unified communications, sometimes known as unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) or unified communications as a service (UCaaS). Here are 10 clear signs that you need to change your hardware PBX.

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Building Better Communications: When Do You Need an Upgrade?

Building Better Communications: When Do You Need an Upgrade?
Your communication system is the cornerstone of your business, yet when was the last time you really examined it? Millions of businesses worldwide are using aging infrastructure, with a large proportion having a phone system that’s over 20 years old. All this means you could be missing out on the latest technologies that could significantly improve your business and efficiency.

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VoIP Is Commoditized — Or Is It?

VoIP Is Commoditized — Or Is It? Wildix Blog
Commoditization is where products become stripped away of their branding and the core features become the same. VoIP has become heavily commoditized, with virtually everyone offering the same core services. Yet there are areas of differentiation when you look closely. So let’s take a look at the root of the problem, the proliferation of countless solutions and the solution.

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From MSSP to Full-Service MSP — Why You Must Change

From MSSP to Full-Service MSP — Why You Must Change
Out of the estimated 40,000 MSPs in the United States, an estimated 10,000 are MSSPs, managed security service providers. These companies devote their time to understanding the security services required to secure their customers, using a huge range of tools. Indeed, cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing areas of increased IT spending, and for good reason: Businesses need high-quality protection from an increased array of malicious actors. And it’s not just in the United States that MSSPs are found. They exist around the world to fill a variety of niches.

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