How to Secure Collaboration Tools at Your Business

secure collaboration tools picture

Security in business today more and more means securing the collaboration tool used at your organization. Now that we’re into the internet age, it’s just standard to conduct official communications over the web. That’s opened up the door to a lot more flexibility in terms of how we communicate, of course, including a range of possibilities for remote and hybrid work environments.

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Phishing and Further Forms of Fraud: How to Stay Safe from Online Scams

On the internet, fraud comes in many forms. From suspicious “special offers” all the way up to royalty of dubious origin, scams are so common for online users that plenty have become woven into the folklore of the world wide web.

Despite all that, however, cyberattackers still lurk online, eager to make good on any combination of trust, fear or just outright ignorance. Often, these bad agents are successful not because they directly penetrate system security but because they can pull off one frighteningly common hoax.

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