The Environmental Impact of UCaaS: A Sustainable Communication Solution

The Environmental Impact of UCaaS: A Sustainable Communication Solution
One of the biggest concerns of many businesses is achieving a more sustainable future. Most recognize that the impact they have on the world needs to be minimized to reduce carbon emissions and lower the potential impact of climate change. Technology is key to this, including using advanced renewables, smarter electricity and lower-emission transportation where possible.

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Managers: Do You Know What’s Next for Smart Work?

Offices are reopening. But that doesn’t mean your staff wants to use them full-time.

Even considering how long analysts foresaw a massive shift to smart working, it’s safe to say few anticipated it would happen this quickly. To put numbers on it, Gallup reports the amount of US employees who work remotely doubled in under a month, shooting from 31% to 62%.

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It’s Time for More Remote Meetings


Why Managers Should Embrace Videoconferencing

Among office workers, there’s a complaint so common that it borders on cliche:

“This meeting should have been an email.”

For all the different contexts it’s used in, what always drives this message is frustration over time management. It represents employees wanting to just do their job, not get pulled from their desks to hear information that could be given in a more streamlined way.

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