Hosted UC&C Solutions – IP Centrex or Virtualized IPBX ?

You have decided to set up a UC&C hosted offer for your enterprise customers (versus customer premises IPBX), you have the choice between two implementations: IP Centrex and IPBX virtualized.

And you must make the right choice.

brille-870x435From there, you realize there is no real literature putting into perspective the IP Centrex and virtualized IPBX. Some will say that it is unclear. Let us enlighten and provide you with a few assets to shape your own opinion.

Let’s start with the Wikipedia 2017 definition of IP Centrex, the definition as you will see demonstrates the confusion. Continue reading “Hosted UC&C Solutions – IP Centrex or Virtualized IPBX ?”

Wildix Cloud

Principal characteristics of the
Wildix Unified Communications & Collaboration solution
offered on Cloud platform.

The Wildix Cloud solution is a valid response to the necessities of those users who wish to take advantage of all the benefits of a Unified Communications solution also on Cloud platform


Critical aspects of the VoIP telephone market in Cloud

Currently there are various offers for VoIP systems and UC&C in Cloud but, evaluating the characteristics of each solution, the limitations in functionality which reflect negatively on the User Experience and which do not make them suitable to be used in many work scenarios become evident.

Continue reading “Wildix Cloud”

Learning is like rowing against the current…

Books “Any day spent learning something is never a day wasted”..

Many companies do not believe in this simple quote, because basically they do not believe in training.

Training is for many a waste of time, which takes away from work. But they do not realize that keeping constantly up to date is inevitable: learning is like rowing against the current, if you stop, you are pulled back.

Continue reading “Learning is like rowing against the current…”