Tech and Families: Becoming a parent and having a career is possible

Smart working e maternità
The age of first pregnancy has been on the rise for many years. Today, according to Eurostat, European women give birth to their first child at the age of 30.7, four years older than 30 years ago.

The main factor behind this change is that women want to progress in their careers before starting maternity. 

While technology today allows women to take on these two roles, archaic ideas deeply rooted in collective thinking continue to lead women to believe that they must choose between career and motherhood. 

Tallinn, Odessa, Trento, Lille, we went to meet the men and women who make up Wildix’s heart. They tell us how, thanks to unified communications technology, they are living their parenting and career to the fullest, shattering prejudices.

For this first part of our “Parenting with Tech” Saga, we interviewed Daria Koval, Purchasing Manager and mother of Olivia who, at the time of the interview, was 2 months old. Continue reading “Tech and Families: Becoming a parent and having a career is possible”

Wildix VS Avaya: A battle won in advance!

Eddy Chaed is a telecom specialist for Artelecom, a Belgian Wildix partner for 2 years.
In less than two years, Artelecom managed to make it onto the podium of Wildix’s Francophone partners. What could these Belgian friends have to share with us on Avaya, you ask?

Eddy Chaed and Albert Ruche, Artelecom’s two big names, sold Avaya systems for 18 years. Artelecom has risen four times to become the leading Avaya integrator in Belgium. Yet two years ago, they decided to join the blue ecosystem and as Eddy so aptly put it, “You’d have to be crazy to sell Avaya after installing Wildix.” Continue reading “Wildix VS Avaya: A battle won in advance!”

Six common customer service problems that are killing the business growth

How to boost the performance of your customer service department and make your customers happy

Any company interested in growing is striving to win new customers and retain their existing ones. Your customers, in fact, have the same need. Let’s see how you can help them.

Would you agree that winning new customers and retaining the existing ones, for the most part, depends on the performance of the customer service department?

In this article we will see in detail some typical challenges that call agents face each day, that prevent the company from achieving its business goals, and how you can help them overcome these problems.

 Flexibility in managing agent opt-in/ opt-out option

In a critical situation, when there is a high load of incoming calls, call agents have no easy way of adding themselves to a call queue. They either have to depend on a system administrator to do it for them or to remember complicated procedures to do it via a dedicated Feature Code.

Let’s keep in mind that the primary tool used by contact center agents has always been, and still remains, the desk phone. What about a simple button that allows a call agent to opt-in/ opt-out of getting calls from the selected call queue directly from the desk phone?

Continue reading “Six common customer service problems that are killing the business growth”

The 6 obstacles that block the growth of the system integrator

wildix blog hurdlesThere is a common uneasiness among “classic” system integrators:

“We are unable to grow”

Regardless of the daily effort, abilities and experience, year after year profit is stagnant.

Sales never really take-off as you would like, and the books cry month after month.

Have you ever thought about the obstacles that prevent you from growing like other companies in your area? Continue reading “The 6 obstacles that block the growth of the system integrator”

Is Artificial Intelligence the Next Major Technological Revolution?

artificial intelligenceAccording to Gartner AI promises to be the most disruptive class of technologies during the next 10 years (1). Wildix was among the first UC&C vendors to embed Artificial Intelligence capabilities into their communication platform back in 2017.     

Wildix calls this set of features “Wildix Business Intelligence,” or simply, WBI. Users of a Wildix System can already benefit from the following services:

Text-to-Speech (TTS)

Text-to-Speech service generates a sound file the moment a call is placed. You just have to write down a text—the moment a call is generated, this text is converted into speech. Audio files can be created in different languages using different female and male voices.

With channel variables, such as ${CALLERID(name)}, it is possible to create interactive voice responses. For example, make the system pronounce a welcome message that includes the caller name.  
Continue reading “Is Artificial Intelligence the Next Major Technological Revolution?”