ValueSelling, According to Wildix Partners

ValueSelling, According to Wildix Partners

MSP perspectives on the methodology proven to close more deals

Any technology professional can tell you that you won’t win customers without a great solution. Of course, no matter the power, usability and overall value of a given platform, it always takes effective outreach to actually sell it — particularly as competition remains fierce.

To that end, Wildix recommends ValueSelling to Partners as a way of more effectively selling the Wildix solution and their own services as MSPs. The methodology emphasizes positioning your services as a solution for a given customer’s specific business issue, which has brought it a proven record of success.

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Your CRM is (Almost) Useless Without Integrated Communications

CRMs need integrations to function at their best

The missing piece for customer data is tracking how you talk to them

If you frequently interact with customers, then I don’t have to tell you about customer relationship management (CRM) software. You or your sales team are probably already intimately familiar with one — and for good reason: When you have multiple leads in your pipeline and need to keep track of each, it takes a full database to keep track of everything going on in your business. Continue reading “Your CRM is (Almost) Useless Without Integrated Communications”