The State of Recruitment Today: Perspectives From an HR Manager

The State of Recruitment Today: Perspectives From an HR Manager

HR is a complex machine, combining recruitment, retention, advice and support, then delivering those benefits to other business units across the company. And today, it faces many challenges. These can stem from issues such as changing legalities across countries to the current pressures on getting the right people in the right place.

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Monsters of UCaaS (and How to Avoid Them)

Monsters of UCaaS (and How to Avoid Them)

It’s a season of frights — of ghouls, goblins and things that go bump in the dark — but for those in the tech sector, certain monsters exist the entire year round.

Yes, certainly there are the common gremlins that keep techies awake at night, and these too are important for anyone in the UCaaS business to know. Ask any IT expert, and they’ll eagerly regale you with bone-chilling tales of glitch-causing ghosts in their machines or of invisible, unspeakable creatures tangling carefully laid cabling.

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