We only realize the value of the things we take for granted once we lose them. Out of all these, perhaps it’s health that claims the top spot.
That’s why it’s now, in these times of emergency from the coronavirus, that we’ve rediscovered the importance of paying attention to our body and others.
“Am I fine? Am I sick?” we now wonder. “If I’m not feeling well, maybe I’d better not go to work today to protect my colleagues.”
Not being able to go into the office has opened our eyes to the need for modes of working that aren’t attached to physical places — in two words, smart working.
An office can’t stop being productive if people can’t access their desks for some reason. It is now anachronistic to tie business to the concrete structure of the workplace.
Paradoxically, our current emergency is instructive for the business world, from large companies to small and medium-sized enterprises; work has to continue, even if the roads to the office are closed due to adverse weather conditions or because of checkpoints trying to contain a virus.
Smart working is nothing new, but as of now, far too few companies utilize it regularly. Nonetheless, hundreds of studies have shown that individual employees’ productivity increases by up to 20% when they have the opportunity to work from home. That’s to say nothing of the significant drop in sick leave, the much easier management of parental and maternity leave and smart working as an effective non-economic incentive to catch and retain talent.
Smart-working technology offers all the tools to share chats, phone calls, documents and video conferences in a 100% secure way thanks to intuitive solutions and interfaces that can overcome digital illiteracy.
So, why hasn’t smart working become the norm for companies?
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