How & Why to get your business listed online?

Every day we use the Internet countless times; we:

  • buy and sell products;
  • book tickets/hotels;
  • book appointments for any type of services;
  • seek for jobs;
  • read movie/book reviews;
  • ask for references/ recommendations when want to go on vacation, etc.

The Web serves as a so-called “Door Opener” as it has a great promotional power, opening up new possibilities to Business Owners, on their way to meeting  potential customers and their needs.

But how can you make your business “visible” among your competitors on the local level?

How can you make it recognizable among local customers?

The answer is literally on the surface- “Go to the Web,” use Online Directories that allow you to list your business for free and be searched by the customers on an equal basis with the other companies from your area. Continue reading “How & Why to get your business listed online?”

Introducing BOSH and WebSocket Transport protocols

BOSH and WebSocket protocolsThis time we will talk about transport protocols over the web, in particular, about BOSH and WebSocket.

Besides TCP (XMPP/SIP) and UDP (SIP only) transports, two other transports, BOSH and WebSocket, are available which are embedded inside existing TCP/HTTP stacks.


Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH) allows real-time communication between a browser and a web server. The browser connects to the server and will keep the connection open as long as it has no data to send. When data is available, the server sends it over the open HTTP connection and closes the connection itself. This reduces the number of requests, as the browser is not continuously polling the server. The server retains a cache of events that the client missed between reconnections.

Continue reading “Introducing BOSH and WebSocket Transport protocols”

Slow your Roll

Slow your Roll
This is a phrase that we’re all familiar in the US. It means to slow down, relax or calm down. It means to think about things before you let your enthusiasm lead you too quickly down a path that can cause more harm than good. As a VAR, MSP, System Integrator or an ISP, we know that in the world of software updates this can simply mean… don’t blindly upgrade all systems at once. No matter how many developers there are or how many tests a company performs, new software releases can have issues that need to be addressed after the release. Perhaps it’s better to roll the software out in a controlled, planned and well thought out fashion. Continue reading “Slow your Roll”

SIP and XMPP standards in Unified Communications

In this blog article we will discuss the basic standards used for real-time communications — SIP and XMPP — what is the difference, how each of them works, and, which one to choose.


The IETF has two documented standards for real-time communications that are widely implemented: SIP and XMPP.

These standards transport text information and rely on other standards for the actual media transmission.

As both support real-time communications, many question which solution is most suited to their needs.

Let’s briefly explore the history and purpose of both.

Continue reading “SIP and XMPP standards in Unified Communications”

Is Artificial Intelligence the Next Major Technological Revolution?

artificial intelligenceAccording to Gartner AI promises to be the most disruptive class of technologies during the next 10 years (1). Wildix was among the first UC&C vendors to embed Artificial Intelligence capabilities into their communication platform back in 2017.     

Wildix calls this set of features “Wildix Business Intelligence,” or simply, WBI. Users of a Wildix System can already benefit from the following services:

Text-to-Speech (TTS)

Text-to-Speech service generates a sound file the moment a call is placed. You just have to write down a text—the moment a call is generated, this text is converted into speech. Audio files can be created in different languages using different female and male voices.

With channel variables, such as ${CALLERID(name)}, it is possible to create interactive voice responses. For example, make the system pronounce a welcome message that includes the caller name.  
Continue reading “Is Artificial Intelligence the Next Major Technological Revolution?”