Web-based vs Native apps: Which to Choose?

Web-based VS native administration is a long-standing dispute within this field. This topic is particularly important because it defines all of the user’s experience. Let’s examine, why web-based communication solutions are the best choice for delivering high service quality.

All new products now use web-based administration interfaces. Gone are the days of interfaces made with Java / QT. The advantages of this change include:

  • No software to install, and the interface is immediately available everywhere
  • Compatibility with all modern browsers
  • Support for mobile devices like tablets and smartphones
  • Security thanks to HTTPs
  • Web API might help when automating tasks

If the communication system you are developing or deploying does not use a web-based interface, please reconsider your choice. Web-based is really the best option. Continue reading “Web-based vs Native apps: Which to Choose?”

4 Essential Tips To Build a Marketing Strategy

StrategyStrategy is about setting yourself apart from the competition. It’s not a matter of being better at what you do – it’s a matter of being different at what you do.” – Michael Porter, Economist

What are your goals? What are your company values? What does your company provide? What differentiates your company from your competitors? These are all things you need to consider when developing your strategy.

Task: Create a marketing strategy. That seems easy enough, however, when it comes to developing an effective marketing strategy, there is a lot of effort, thought, and work involved. Anyone can share information on social media, or send emails. But your marketing strategy should involve more than that.

Here are 4 steps to creating an effective marketing strategy.

Continue reading “4 Essential Tips To Build a Marketing Strategy”

Vertical Solutions for Retail, Education, Hospitality, Healthcare

Vertical Solutions for Retail, Education, Hospitality, HealthcareVertical Solutions based on Unified Communications features can be successfully implemented for different industries, including Retail, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Healthcare and Finance. In this blog article we will analyze some of these features and their ways of implementation.

Vertical Solutions for Retail / Education / Healthcare / Production Sites

Paging / Intercom

This feature allows for the delivery of audio messages, recorded or in real-time, to many users, typically using overhead speakers and other devices connected to the system.

Paging is performed over many devices. Intercom is usually performed over a single device. Continue reading “Vertical Solutions for Retail, Education, Hospitality, Healthcare”

Unified Communications for Customer Support, Contact Center, and Marketing Activities

Unified Communications for Contact Center, Customer Support, Marketing ActivitiesIn the previous blog article we discussed how Unified Communications can improve the team collaboration and management. Today we will discover which features can help you win new customers and retain the existing ones by increasing the efficiency of your call center and marketing activities and improving your customer support.

Contact Center – Call Center – Sales / Support Teams

Website Integration

Today, users usually discover an organization via its website after a related web search. Besides valid contents, the website should integrate real-time communication features to allow potential and returning clients to get in touch with the team and improve your customer support.
Continue reading “Unified Communications for Customer Support, Contact Center, and Marketing Activities”

Unified Communications for Team Collaboration and Management

Unified Communications for Team Collaboration and ManagementIn the previous blog articles we discussed how different Unified Communications can simplify your business processes and automate your daily tasks. Now it’s time see how to apply and where to apply the previously discussed features. Of course, some are applicable to any kind of business, while others only apply to specific scenarios.  

In this blog article we will talk about team collaboration and management.

Office / Open Spaces

All teams working in offices can get great advantages from the adoption of an advanced communication system. Especially teams working in open spaces. In this environment, teams can take advantage of a system which provides better details about their ongoing activities and calls.
Continue reading “Unified Communications for Team Collaboration and Management”