What to Avoid When Managing Conflict

 And What Strategies to Use Instead

There’s nothing fun about a fight in the workplace. Flaring tempers, harsh language — these problems last well after the moment they arose, carrying into the workday and rupturing any sense of company unity.

And as bad as that clash may be, poor conflict management will only make it worse. Handled improperly, attempts at mediation can end up stoking the argument you tried to quell. One side may feel unjustly attacked. The other may not see any reason to improve their own behavior.

To avoid that outcome and maintain a sense of unity in the workplace, you’ll want to steer clear of these conflict resolution mistakes. Continue reading “What to Avoid When Managing Conflict”

Considering Customer Service by the Numbers

How Contact Center Metrics Add Value to PBX

In the digital age, every company should operate on the understanding that speedy customer service counts for a lot.

The reason for that is a story told by statistics. Although sentiment toward customer service is positive on the whole, over 50% of consumers will cancel a purchase if they aren’t given good service, with 40% want that service performed “quickly.” Furthermore, 90% of consumers consider “immediate” responses in customer service important to their experience. Continue reading “Considering Customer Service by the Numbers”

The Way to a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Collaboration is the Key

In today’s work culture, leisure feels more and more like a luxury. Growing workloads are adding up to less time to relax, and a lot more employee stress.

And the havoc that stress can wreak is alarming. Mentally, it results in anxiety and heightened symptoms of depression. Physically, it creates issues such as weaker immune systems and worsened risks of heart disease.

The key to reducing stress is maintaining a healthy work-life balance: limiting time-wasting behavior, reducing office hours, and ensuring your time off isn’t actually time spent on call. Continue reading “The Way to a Healthy Work-Life Balance”

Sparking Desire: Captivate your customers by telling stories

Sparking Desire: Captivate your customers by telling stories

“I ended up buying the right one.”
“But didn’t you say the other one had more pixels?”
“Yes, but this one won me over in the end.”

We sell PBX systems, often in the cloud—and the cloud isn’t something that you can touch.

But let’s talk in terms of tangible products that you can touch with your hands. That way, I can explain where to focus your marketing so you can sell more and earn more. Continue reading “Sparking Desire: Captivate your customers by telling stories”

Make Chat Part of the e-Commerce Customer Journey

Make Chat Part of the e-Commerce Customer Journey
Shopping online these days, you’re likely to see a lot of fresh communication features. In particular, chatbots, messaging boxes and “call an agent” popups now abound on digital storefronts.

Just based on these trends, it’s clear that people expect more than a barebones “Contact Us” page. But maybe that shouldn’t come as a surprise. Increasingly, customers want immediate gratification when they interact with companies. So you should also expect them to want their questions answered quickly, without the wait time of email or an external call. Stepping in to solve that issue are live chat services. When properly implemented, these tools give customers a way to connect with a company representative for instant insight and information. Continue reading “Make Chat Part of the e-Commerce Customer Journey”