What You Should Know to Evaluate UC Platform

In this blog article I will describe some essential characteristics that should be taken into consideration to evaluate UC platform.

Backwards Compatibility

Some UC solutions are still developed and managed without foreseeing a need for backwards compatibility. So, after a major upgrade of the platform, features might be removed.

A product should strive to protect the investment made by those people using the product, especially to minimize the work needed to maintain the product. After any major or minor upgrade, the old features should remain functional.

This logic must also be extended to hardware components (such as phones). For example, when the UC server platform is upgraded, support for existing hardware should continue.

It is acceptable for any IT solution to put an end-of-life date on a part of the system, but this information must be clearly published.

Whether you want to build a UC platform or choose one, pay particular attention to backward compatibility.

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Best practice when using video conferencing solutions

It’s all well and good having the great tools that allow us to work smarter, tools that are part of collaboration such as video conferencing or screen sharing.

But are you using them correctly to give everyone the experience that you are hoping they receive?

In this post, I will talk about the best practices for Video conferencing to give you the best results, both for the presenters and the participants. We will also talk about some of the basic mistakes that you should always avoid. Continue reading “Best practice when using video conferencing solutions”

What are the Requirements for Unified Communications System

In the  following article I will present a list of requirements that should help you in understanding which platform is better suited to an organization’s needs.

Number and Location of Sites

The quality of the connectivity is crucial for good voice and video service. Offices located in different countries or continents will most likely need separate local or managed UC servers.

Site Size

What’s the size of each site? If the site is large and most communications are done within the site, a local UC server is often the winning solution.

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Reviewing Deployment Scenarios of UC systems

A Unified Communication solution can be deployed either in an environment controlled by the customer, as a corporate data center, or in a third-party data center. Let’s review such deployment scenarios in more detail.

In most scenarios, a solution deployed in a cloud environment (such as Amazon AWS) offers the best overall conditions including easy redundancy, by relying on different physical data centers, and better connectivity, by providing worldwide data centers.

However, there are scenarios where an in-house UC platform can offer advantages over a cloud solution. When the UC services are accessed mostly by local users and using local PSTN trunking, a local deployment is the best solution. Another scenario might be a site with poor Internet connectivity where phone services must be provided.

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Streamlined And Effective Communication: UC That Works

Why should we have leaner communication? Because the goal of a modern communication system is to help the company remove waste by facilitating higher quality and less frequent communication. Let’s see how.

We live in an age that offers a record number of possibilities to communicate. Landlines, mobile phones, email, social media, faxes, public messengers including Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, WeChat, and Facebook Messenger…just to name a few. In addition to these applications, we have access to corporate CRMs, ticketing systems, chat systems, blogs, and forums. Often the use of new medias do not necessarily lead to the dismissal of the old ones.
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