Wildix vs Sangoma: Too Many Acquisitions Lead to an Innovation Crisis

Wildix and Sangoma are two possible solutions for MSPs
Sangoma Technologies Corporation gives hardware and software products for SMBs, enterprises and carriers in 150 countries, delivering these technologies through distribution partners and through selling direct to the consumer. It owns some legendary names in the business, including Asterisk and FreePBX, as well as software the company partly developed itself.

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How Call Center Voice Analytics Boost Your Business

Group business colleagues wearing headsets working in office
The first call center was likely in the mid-’50s, thanks to the introduction of automatic call distribution systems. The ‘70s saw the centralization of calls to big businesses, and progressive advancements allowed call centers to get bigger and handle more inquiries. Scripts, voice recording and call stats helped managers supervise the call center more effectively. Fast forward to the digital revolution, and the role of the call center has dramatically shifted, with technological advancements helping to fine-tune every interaction through call center voice analytics. Call centers are rapidly becoming contact centers, expanding their role to become an integral part of building long-lasting customer relationships.

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Why the Channel Is Critical for Vendors and MSPs

Business team colleagues discussing conference

“They’d tried several vendors, but none of them wanted to do it. Then they came to us. They couldn’t believe someone actually cared.”

These are the words of one of our MSPs based in Canada, talking about a small setup they’d completed in the Caribbean. And it shows how the channel can get things done when major vendors cannot. But what is the channel exactly, and what does it do? More importantly, why is it so vital?

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