Exceeding Customer Expectations with the Cloud

Exceeding Customer Expectations with the Cloud

Use digital transformation to align your team and win more sales

Anywhere that sales happen, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for sales reps to impress potential buyers. The main culprit behind this is digital buying channels: as Gartner points out, the rise of e-commerce and online information means that, now, a typical buyer spends only 17% of their customer journey actually talking to salespeople. Continue reading “Exceeding Customer Expectations with the Cloud”

Tips to create an engaging email marketing campaign

Email marketing campaign
Over the course of just a few days, our email inboxes are flooded with a huge amount of advertisements and newsletters. With around 3.9 billion global email users, there’s a lot of competition for your customer’s attention. As a marketer, that puts you in a tough spot. If your email marketing content does not stand out, you will just be seen as spam that no one wants to read. Continue reading “Tips to create an engaging email marketing campaign”