Have you even been called while on a meeting by a colleague just to whisper (while everybody looks at you): “I will call you later”?
Have you even been called or in the middle of your vacation just to say: “I am not in office, call me back next week”?
Imagine now a system to inform automatically your colleagues that you are not available, on holiday, out of office. A system that automatically send the calls to voicemail or forward them to another number after informing of your status depending on your calendar status.
We have been working on a great new office automation. A plugin for Outlook which will automatically update your Wildix Collaboration status with events from your calendar.
- Install the incoming WMS beta (min version 3.82.32155.24)
- go under Extensions, install Outlook Integration, refresh Collaboration and set up the Outlook Calendar section (with status mapping)
- wait for the next event in your calendar to take place – your status changes automatically
Let’s see how it works, I create a new event with status Busy:

My status is set to DND

And since we know your PC cannot be online all the time the PBX stores two entire weeks of events.