What’s Next? Chatbots and Workstreams

Today, successful organizations must be dynamic and able to respond quickly to feedback. A new UC platform is the information system of this lean revolution. Team members will be able to communicate and make decisions faster and more effectively, and customers will be able to collaborate with team members without proxies. New ideas or new ways of looking at business can appear when the tools we use to communicate inspire us.

The UC platform itself must thus adapt over time to transforming needs, both inside and outside the organization, allowing users to collaborate better with customers and to always provide better service.

In order to do this, the UC platform must be constantly fine-tuned by users and updated to take advantages of all the latest improvements. UC solutions providers must strive to always provide new usage scenarios and ideas to organizations. Organizations at all levels must be open to adapt to new technologies.

Continue reading “What’s Next? Chatbots and Workstreams”

Women in Tech: Bethan Ganjavi – FCP Technologies

Women are quite literally breaking through the glass ceiling that once stood in their way and are standing alongside their male peers to deliver incredible results within the Tech World.

We are interviewing Female Entrepreneurs who are changing the face of Technology within the Wildix Blue Ecosystem of Partners! We feel honoured to get to know the stories of these amazing, moving, inspiring, smart and effeminate Tech Ladies.

I have had a personal pleasure of speaking to Ms Bethan Ganjavi, Director at FCP Technologies, one of the TOP Wildix Partners in the UK!

Adding just a few words from myself, I want to say that Bethan is one of the smartest, easy-going and fascinating story tellers you may meet, and I am sure you would like her journey and quotes as much as I did.

Continue reading “Women in Tech: Bethan Ganjavi – FCP Technologies”

Start Simple, Add Later

In one of the previous blog articles (Introducing Lean Communications), I explained how lean communication can improve the way organizations work. This approach must also be applied to the deployment phase by making it as incremental and simple as possible.

The adoption of a new UC system must be supported and required by one or more key users, usually managers of departments inside a company. These key users must support the adoption by understanding the advantages.

The role of key users is very important, and they must be involved in all steps of the platform introduction. Key users, before and after the deployment, must collect important feedback from other users and create requirements for the UC solution.

Continue reading “Start Simple, Add Later”

Skype is not secure, Microsoft: “use a VPN to access”

Insicurezza informatica

That’s not true, of course.
I just applied to Skype the idea of security that manages to create an “Open Source Genius.”

Let’s leave Skype aside and see what really happened.
Giacomo Brusciati of Comunica.Meta srl, an installer of telephone systems in the Marche region, has installed about 2,200 systems. First ISDN and then VoIP. Continue reading “Skype is not secure, Microsoft: “use a VPN to access””

How To Manage Accounts Creation

When installing a new system, it is hard to escape the paradigm of creating yet another user database and new passwords for each one of these users.

How does this happen? The engineer who configures the system usually starts by adding a few accounts manually to perform the first test calls and then more and more, until all users are created. This approach has clear drawbacks, since it is:

  • Error-prone: it is easy to make mistakes
  • Time-consuming
  • Not secure: users are not removed, even when they leave the organization.

The best way to manage accounts creation is to let somebody or something else do it for us. The ideas described below also apply to customer contact creation in the UC server.

Continue reading “How To Manage Accounts Creation”