Tips to create an engaging email marketing campaign

Email marketing campaign
Over the course of just a few days, our email inboxes are flooded with a huge amount of advertisements and newsletters. With around 3.9 billion global email users, there’s a lot of competition for your customer’s attention. As a marketer, that puts you in a tough spot. If your email marketing content does not stand out, you will just be seen as spam that no one wants to read. Continue reading “Tips to create an engaging email marketing campaign”

Are VPNs Necessary for the Modern Worker?

Are VPNs Necessary

Addressing security when working remotely

Easily the biggest non-negotiable when working from home is security. It’s a given that if an employee logs in from outside the office, they need to do so on a protected connection — not only to protect themselves, but also to keep their company safe from the financial damage and public fallout of cyberattacks. Continue reading “Are VPNs Necessary for the Modern Worker?”