Wildix is a Platinum Sponsor at MSP Expo 2018

Platinum Sponsor at MSP ExpoWe are very excited to announce that for the first time, Wildix will be exhibiting in the United States – as a platinum sponsor no less! MSP Expo is co-located with IT Expo in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. As some of you may know, IT Expo is one of the largest remaining communications and technology conferences in the world, while MSP Expo is solely dedicated to helping MSPs network and learn about new, emerging trends in their industry.

At MSP Expo, business owners, buyers, sellers, and resellers will assemble to forge new business partnerships, collaborate and learn together. Dozens of conference sessions, keynotes, and panels will be focused on helping attendees move their businesses forward with communications solutions. Continue reading “Wildix is a Platinum Sponsor at MSP Expo 2018”

Wildix Has Always Believed in Dreams

The story of 4 children who got to realize their dream.

Dreams are the basis of our aspirations and must be cultivated tenaciously. It is by following dreams that the most innovative companies are born, and this is why Wildix has decided to help four children in Ukraine realize their dream.

odessaThe Black Sea Ball Open Cup in Odessa, is an exclusive, competitive dance tournament that can open up important avenues for young, aspiring dancers.

Maxim Dovbius, Marianna Yavorska, Nazarij Denisov and Daria Onufriychuk are all 7 years old, living in the small village of Bar, north of Odessa. Continue reading “Wildix Has Always Believed in Dreams”

Live-Streaming to Facebook and YouTube with Wildix

Live-streamingLive-streaming. We’ve all seen it pop up in our newsfeeds, channels, timelines…you name it.

Live-streaming is now a widely used medium for sharing information across the web. Whether it’s to stream an interview with a celebrity, share important news updates, or even something fairly trivial, like letting your friends know how delicious some fancy pastry is that you’re eating.

Or…you can live-stream your conferences and presentations.
Continue reading “Live-Streaming to Facebook and YouTube with Wildix”

Teleworking: Bringing Your Office Everywhere You Go


I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about work, and we got to talking about teleworking.

She is able to work from home once a week with her job. However, she started talking about the process of doing that, and how she has to go through the IT department to install special software, give the system permission to work off-site, and then she has to regularly have it re-connected through the IT department; all in order for it to work smoothly and to make sure her connections are secure. Continue reading “Teleworking: Bringing Your Office Everywhere You Go”

WebRTC Kite Support on Apple Safari 11 for Mac OS X (and Safari)

WebRTC on SafariApple has released Safari 11 for macOS Sierra 10.12.6 and Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.6. with support for WebRTC.

The update to Safari includes various security patches, bug fixes, and includes a handful of new features for the Mac web browser. Safari 11is only available for Sierra and El Capitan as a separate download. Safari 11 is included, by default, in macOS High Sierra 10.13, which was released for Mac users on September 25. Continue reading “WebRTC Kite Support on Apple Safari 11 for Mac OS X (and Safari)”