Make Chat Part of the e-Commerce Customer Journey

Make Chat Part of the e-Commerce Customer Journey
Shopping online these days, you’re likely to see a lot of fresh communication features. In particular, chatbots, messaging boxes and “call an agent” popups now abound on digital storefronts.

Just based on these trends, it’s clear that people expect more than a barebones “Contact Us” page. But maybe that shouldn’t come as a surprise. Increasingly, customers want immediate gratification when they interact with companies. So you should also expect them to want their questions answered quickly, without the wait time of email or an external call. Stepping in to solve that issue are live chat services. When properly implemented, these tools give customers a way to connect with a company representative for instant insight and information. Continue reading “Make Chat Part of the e-Commerce Customer Journey”

Constant Disruption and Partners as the Solution

A Conversation with Robert Cooper, Managing Director at Wildix

Constant Disruption and Partners as the Solution
Imagine you’ve just experienced a powerful earthquake. You spent minutes on end watching walls shake and buildings sway, all while trying to keep your footing on a floor that’s being rocked by a massive, unstoppable force.

But, soon enough, the disaster passes. You’ve made it through in one piece. Not only that, your home is still standing.

The question is, do you now stay content with the stability you have?

Or do you arm yourself with the knowledge to get through the next quake? Continue reading “Constant Disruption and Partners as the Solution”

Wildix VS Avaya: A battle won in advance!

Eddy Chaed is a telecom specialist for Artelecom, a Belgian Wildix partner for 2 years.
In less than two years, Artelecom managed to make it onto the podium of Wildix’s Francophone partners. What could these Belgian friends have to share with us on Avaya, you ask?

Eddy Chaed and Albert Ruche, Artelecom’s two big names, sold Avaya systems for 18 years. Artelecom has risen four times to become the leading Avaya integrator in Belgium. Yet two years ago, they decided to join the blue ecosystem and as Eddy so aptly put it, “You’d have to be crazy to sell Avaya after installing Wildix.” Continue reading “Wildix VS Avaya: A battle won in advance!”

A French Case Study: Carpe Diem Nursing Home

A contribution to the health sector and the Wildix solution become a fundamental part in a nursing home

Establishing a quality nursing home on all levels was the objective of Clotilde Hautrive, director of the CARPE DIEM nursing home, located in Compiègne.

From the construction of the building by Spie Batignoles group to the study of the information and telephone service needs, nothing was left to chance. This new medical structure, built in August of 2017, can accommodate 48 residents living with Alzheimer’s. These are patients who require a continuous and quality communication service, that is able to guarantee the wellness of the residents and that of the healthcare personnel. Continue reading “A French Case Study: Carpe Diem Nursing Home”

7 Tips for Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship managementCustomer relationship management means just that – managing the relationship you have with your customers to ensure long-term satisfaction.

With the growth of social media and technology platforms that allows for quicker communications, customers are no longer as passive as they used to be. They now have multiple platforms at their disposal to connect with businesses and provide their experiences and feedback.

Successful companies listen to this feedback and engage with their customers on a regular basis; using that experience to then seek ways to improve their products and services. With the rise of these communication methods, customer relationship management is now more important than ever. Here are a few tips to help you improve:

Continue reading “7 Tips for Customer Relationship Management”