What is Push Notification for Mobile Apps?

Push Notification as an integral part of UC&C system

Push Notification

Push notification is a message that pops up on the screen of your mobile device when you are not using the app. In fact we’ve been using push notifications for quite a long time. An example could be a notification coming from the airlines reminding you to check in for your flight or a calendar event reminder.

Apple was the first one to introduce Push notifications in 2009, Google implemented them in 2010. Today push notifications are becoming even more powerful, and we will see why in the next chapter.

Push notification vs Polling and other techniques

In the past many VoIP apps have been using polling techniques, in which the client had to poll the server from time to time to check if there are any updates. They were not actually real-time–you received a notification not at the very time it arrived, but after the app has “polled” the server. Other VoIP apps were running in the background all the time so that the user could receive an update, over-consuming the battery.
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Wildix Cloud

Principal characteristics of the
Wildix Unified Communications & Collaboration solution
offered on Cloud platform.

The Wildix Cloud solution is a valid response to the necessities of those users who wish to take advantage of all the benefits of a Unified Communications solution also on Cloud platform


Critical aspects of the VoIP telephone market in Cloud

Currently there are various offers for VoIP systems and UC&C in Cloud but, evaluating the characteristics of each solution, the limitations in functionality which reflect negatively on the User Experience and which do not make them suitable to be used in many work scenarios become evident.

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What is WebRTC and is it safe?

webrtc-logo-vert-retro-255x305-1What is WebRTC?

There has been much talk about it, but perhaps it is not all that clear, what is WebRTC and how does it work?

WebRTC means Real-Time Communication via the web, or rather the possibility of being able to chat, make calls and video calls through the internet.

Imagine clicking on a button and, immediately, starting a call, a chat or a video call with a user ready to answer.

WebRTC is an open source project created in 2011, based on HTML5 and JavaScript, with the objective of revolutionizing communication by taking advantage of the power of the web.

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What is Real-Time Communication?

real-time-communicationWhat is Real-Time Communication?

Simple, one example is enough to explain.

An email is NON real-time communication, a phone call is real-time communication

By definition, real-time communication is any form of telecommunication through which all users are able to exchange information instantaneously or with negligible latency. Real-time is also synonymous with Live.

But in the Telecommunications world, what is Real-Time communication (RTC)?

By now we all use online chat or video-calling, thanks to instruments which had a very clear vision of where the future of communication was headed. (I am thinking of Skype which was created by 3 Estonian kids, Jaan Tallinn, Ahti Heinla and Priit Kasesalu, before being purchased by Microsoft).
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Comparing 3CX and Wildix and how PBXs have changed over the last 30 years.

wildix confronto
Picture from the internet

Today, it is our pleasure to publish an article written by Bruno Donetti, Infrastructure Team Axitea S.p.A. 

In a technical neutral voice, he has shared with us his analysis, which has come from the comparison between the Wildix solution and that of 3CX, giving us a point of view on how communication technologies have changed over the last 30 years. 

Thank you to Bruno and our compliments for his great passion which, with much difficulty, remains hidden between the lines. Here is the text.

A while back I was asked for an objective opinion in comparing the Wildix system with that of 3CX. I was asked for a neutral technical opinion, no longer as a vendor-dependent technician, but as a manager and technician of my own telecommunications network made up of several Wildix, many 3CX, Cisco, Alcatel OXE, Asterisk. 

To comprehend the evaluation I feel it is essential to illustrate the skills and non-skills of those who venture into giving judgement among various products. 

Continue reading “Comparing 3CX and Wildix and how PBXs have changed over the last 30 years.”