Take a minute and think back to over two years ago, to the start of the pandemic.
Suddenly we couldn’t work, study or even meet people the same way as before. Locked in our homes, the internet became our main source of contact with the outside world. Businesses that adapted to remote working, thrived. Those that didn’t or couldn’t, suffered — and many failed.
This forced digital transformation created the perfect moment for VoIP and other cloud-based solutions to shine. And while the global UCaaS market is projected to hit US$161.67 billion by 2031, we should check our optimism and stop ourselves from proclaiming that there is still a deluge of customers for the taking.
Because the truth is their numbers are limited. According to the Cavell Group, 82% of business telephony users have not yet moved to the cloud, but it won’t stay that way for long. As one by one they switch to cloud-based subscription solutions, they will never need another physical PBX again. The days of making a new sale based on outdated hardware will be gone. Customers will either be yours and you’ll receive recurrent revenue from them, or they will belong to the competition.
The large UCaaS companies know this. They know that the future lies in everything as a service and the recurring revenue that it brings. Driven by debt, the obligations of legacy systems and pure greed, they are desperate enough for this income to steal their partners’ client lists right from under their noses. In effect, they’re quietly sucking the very lifeblood from the MSPs who made them what they are in the first place.
It is no secret that we call them vampire vendors for this very reason. The majority of the 29.5 million users secured by the top five vendors were acquired through partners. And yet, instead of nurturing this relationship, each of these vendors directly markets to consumers. Any curious business navigator can take a quick peek at 8×8, Microsoft or RingCentral’s website and see their pricing, exposing your markup and bringing into question the value you bring.
It doesn’t matter that by buying directly through the vendor the client’s only access to tech support is a call center halfway around the world. Customers won’t know the true cost until it’s too late. And by the time they realize the issue, the big vendors will have already achieved their goal and the reseller channel — your channel — will be dead.
But, let’s say that the high margins or other perks make the risks seem worth it. Right here, right now, you’re making money and your clients are happy you’ve found them a solution with a well-known brand. What then happens a few years down the line when it comes time to retire and sell your business? What do you actually have to sell? Your knowledge leaves with you. Your customers are your business, and if a large UCaaS company already has their number, what real value does your client list have?
You need to secure your customers, and you need to do it now. Don’t wait another two years just to look back wistfully at the opportunities you missed. Choose your vendor and positioning carefully. These clients will end up going to the cloud whether you’re their partner or not — you’ve got to move fast and get those opportunities. When they’re looking at solutions again in two, four, or six years’ time, they may not even call you, and it’ll be too late.
Focus on the value you bring. Remind customers that it isn’t always just about price. They need to know that only a local, knowledgeable technician can truly solve their business communication needs, not a scripted call center half a world away. And most importantly, provide them with a solution that focuses on improving sales and grows with them, so they have no desire to look elsewhere. Sell them a complete Wildix solution.
Since the beginning, we’ve seen the future in the cloud and the opportunities in everything as a service. We only sell through partner channels and never directly to end-users. Your client list is yours and yours alone. We offer advanced value selling training all because we are invested in our partner network’s long-term success. We know your value and only together can we defeat the vampires and save the industry from their bloodthirst.
Join us and help us create real value for everyone.
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